Word Play for Artful Cloth


Last minute warning: This  Saturday brings a new and different workshop to El Cielo, one involving writing and art making. The seesaw of words and images is one that I teeter along with all the time (that's one reason I keep this blog, to keep my hand in on the adjectives).

First, on Friday evening participants will meet at Gemini INK near downtown San Antonio (right around the corner from my old neighborhood in King William) for a writing workshop I'll conduct. Each person is bringing personal photos to work with during the writing exercises. Then we'll meet the next day out here at El Cielo from 10 to 4, take what's been written and turn it into a fiber art work. Some of the techniques explored will include sun printing (weather permitting), stamping and stenciling, thermofax screenprinting, and printing on fabric with inkjet and transfer methods. 

I've got room for a couple or so more participants, so if this sounds good, call Gemini Ink to register --

Gemini Ink
513 S. Presa
San Antonio, TX 78205
Toll free: 877.734.9673
Fax: 210.737.0688

It's a little different structure: the workshop at Gemini Ink is $75 payable to Gemini Ink. The workshop at El Cielo is $70 plus a $15 supply fee payable to me. If you'd like to just come to the fiber arts portion, that's an option, too. Just email me at susiemonday@gmail.com for details and directions.

Bring to the Friday evening workshop at Gemini Ink four or five photos of people, places, and experiences that are important to your life: images from childhood, a memorable vacation, vintage photos of ancestors, your quinceañera or bat mitzvah, anything that moves you. You’ll translate the photos into powerful moodscapes, capturing even intangibles that don’t show up in the pictures. Next morning, pack a sack lunch and come out to El Cielo Studio near Bandera. There you’ll combine your photos and your writing with textile dyes, paints, photo transfers and other surface design techniques to create your own unique fiber art piece ready for hanging. Fee to Gemini Ink: $65/member; $75/non-member. NOTE: Saturday, April 12 fiber art workshop at El Cielo Studio is a separate fee payable to Susie, 10 am – 4 pm, is $70 & $15 supply kit.
