Intermission: How Cool is This!


In the mailbox today: a copy of July/August issue of Art Calendar; the business magazine for visual artists. Alyson B. Stanfield included some pictures of one of my workshops that Linda took in an article about promoting one's workshops.

10 Planning and Promoting Workshops
By Alyson B. Stanfield
Find the students, and fill your classes.

And the editor's used two photos: one with a nice picture too of Diane Sanfield, and another with two pretty indistinguishable images of Robin Early and Stephanie Stokes (they are both in dust masks, the worlds' most unflattering workshop gear). OK, here's the pictures -- you asked!



alyson-front-test.jpgAlyson has also just finished a redo of her website that makes an easy link to her blog -- a great improvement I think, I love her site, but often found myself a bit lost in all the links and the navigation seems a bit easier now.

The Art Calendar's website seems to include some interesting features, too. It's worth a look!