Beautiful, Bewitching. Abloom in the Hills

Happy Easter, Happy Rebirth, Happy Reminder to rebirth yourself, resurrect your hope, replenish your energy, renew your faith in all that sustains you, remember to love, cherish and honor your co-creativity with the universe.

Matthew Fox, one of my favorite theologians and spiritual leaders puts it this way (and quotes Meister Eckhart):

"Creating is our imitating of Divinity. We are hear to imitate Divinity. Nothing less. All of creation is generative. Why would the human species, so powerfully endowed with imagination, not also be generative. But we do not generate alone, we generate in common with with the Divine who dwells and generates within us. We tap into the work of the Creator whose power is 'unceasingly glowing and burning with all the Divine, wlth all the Divine sweetness, all the Divine bliss.'"

Go outdoors and see what's going on under your nose. Pay attention. The world right now is a message in creative being.

P.S. I am heading off into the non-connected sunset for a few family and friend days. See you Monday. Don't eat too many chocolate bunny heads. Sorry for all the typos. I was "touch" typing the quote and didn't check it! So much for touch typing.