Since this blog is and always will be a record of my creative work, and since I have been feeling a bit puny about my work this past two months, I did make a list. And I feel a lot better. I suggest, that even if you are not one of those goal-settiing recording kinds of people (and I am not at my core -- only when my ego gets away from me), that you make a similar list for your last couple of months. You will, no doubt, surprise yourself. I KNOW that we (women, men, humans) discount so much of our work and accomplishment., falling into some intriguing and seductive sense of "should have, could have." Let's be as kind to ourselves as we are to our dogs.
May - June -- 1/2 July Month
Creative (and other) Work:
Quilting Arts Gift Guide article submitted (iPad snowflakes)
2 NFamily articles submitted for The Missing Alphabet
2 newsletters, May and July(missed one in June)
4-week Joggles on-line workshop on Inspiration Cards -- new workbook completed
Books in SDA Bookstore (sold 18 copies)
First of 4 curriculum guides designed (text from other teacher) for Central American Teacher program (3 more to come before Sept. 1)
4 pieces installed in 3-person exhibit at small non-profit gallery in San Antonio (Bihl Haus Arts) (2 month exhibit)
2 pieces in Kerr Arts and Cultural show
Installed and marketed and uninstalled Fiber Arts Invitational for Kerr Arts and Cultural Center (nonprofit gallery in Kerrville, with 10 participating invited artists
1 piece accepted in Southwest School of Art All-School Exhibit (opens this Thursday)
Donated art for raffle and had informal display at Fiber Artists of san Antonio Wearable Art Runway Show
Small piece included in SDA Members exhibit at Say Si Gallery
Planned, and led sold-out Study Tour for SDA conference
1-day workshop at El Cielo Studio for Central American Teachers
weeklong workshop and family presentation for Central American Youth Ambassadors and Texas host youth
1 new large textile painting completed2 small works completed
Purchase of Senisa Studio house for future AirBNB and other rentals (including space for Jane Dunnewold’s out of town students -- it is only a mile or so from her new studio) -- also to be used for San Antonio based workshops, private exhibits. Remodeling/furnishing underway.Launched AirBNB rentals out at El Cielo successfully