The exhibit is up on the main web gallery page, and here it is as well! I am not so sure I understand how Squarespace sets up this gallery here -- some of the images end up being cropped strangely, so you can also take a look at this link (the titles and prices show up there, too!) Many of the pieces are still available for sale. The prices on the website do not include shipping price, so be aware of that. I can send you a PayPal invoice to pay with your account or any credit card, if you are interested in purchase.
Click through the gallery to forward to the next photo. Hover over the image to get size and price information!

36" by 50" Textile collage on wooden frame $1800

48” by 72” by 1.5” Textile collage on wooden frame $3000

19” by 21” Textile collage wall hanging, 2014 SOLD

19” by 21” Textile collage wall hanging, 2014 $300

18’” by 22” Textile collage on wooden frame $300

24” by 60” Textile collage wall hanging, 2013 SOLD
Recently shown in the 2013 Dinner@Eight exhibition, International Quilt Festival

24" by 60" Textile collage wall hanging, 2014 $600*

24” by 60” Textile collage wall hanging, 2013 $600

30” by 32” by 1.5” Textile on wooden frame SOLD

30” by 32” by 1.5” Textile on wooden frame $900

30” by 32” by 1.5” Textile on wooden frame $900

30” by 32” by 1.5”, Textile on wooden frame $900

30” by 32” by 1.5” Textile on wooden frame SOLD

30” by 32” by 1.5” Textile on wooden frame $600

30” by 32” by 1.5” Textile on wooden frame $800

Textile, stitched print, framed 2013 8.5” by 11” $200

Textile, stitched digital print, framed 2013 8.5” by 11” SOLD

Textile, stitched digital print, framed 2013 8.5” by 11” $200

Two hand-stitched pieces in shadow box frames, 20 " by 20" 2014

Textile, hand stitched 9” by 9" SAVE

Textile, hand stitch 9” by 9” SOLD

40” by 103” Digitally printed textile $130

40” by 103” Digitally printed textile $130

40” by 103” Digitally printed textile SOLD

Salon d'Artiste is the exhibition gallery devoted to changing artist exhibits. Other galleries are home to the owners' collections, family archives and a chapel and dining room for art and cultural events.