Jack Brockette sent along this photo -- his wife Ann took it, I think.
This exhibit at Baylor University's Martin Museum is up through the weekend, Nov. 14. If you are in Central Texas, please stop in and see the wonderful and diverse work by the participating artists: (in no particular order) Jack Brockett, Sue Benner, Liz Axford, Connie Scheele, Jane Dunnewold, Ann Adams, and me. I am honored to be included in such a group of stellar artists!
The exhibit was curated by Mary Ruth Smith, who is on the faculty at Baylor, and beatifully installed by the museum staff headed by Karin Gilliam. We were hosted by the university at a luncheon and lecture by Kay Lenkowsky, quilt artist and author of Contrmporary Art Quilts. It was a treat to meet her, and to spend time with all of these talented artists. Our work is so different and the exhibit revealed much to the local audience -- many of whom I think had never seen a quilt that wasn't made for a bed.
I grew up from age 12 to 18 in Waco, so it was a particular treat for me to be part of this show and to have all my family and relatives there able to attend. My father taught at Baylor for many years, my uncle was a dean and VP and my aunt also taught there, plus brothers and sister-in-laws, all are grads. My parents don't travel much anymore, so it was really wonderful to have them attend the reception.
Here are a few pictures from the reception:
Kate and Liz deep in talk.
You can catch a glimspe here of Jack's hanging work and Jane Dunnewold's piece on the wall.
Here's a few other pictures from artists who participated, with their permission:
Sue Benner's "Cellular Structure VII"
Liz Axford's "9-patch" take with felted stitched work: